Drama alumni receives VME medal

Russell Boast's medal. 

Former Drama and Production Studies student, Russell Boast was awarded the Veterans in Media and Entertainment medal bearing the organisation’s insignia recently.

The medal is only give by the non-profit networking organization and unites current and former members of the military working in the film and television industry.

Traditionally, they are given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale. In practice, challenge coins are normally presented by unit commanders in recognition of special achievement by a member of the unit.

Boast who has been in the film and television industry for close to 20 years said receiving this token of appreciation from veterans, warriors was one of his most humbling experiences of his life.

“They all deserve our undying gratitude for their courage and sacrifice in protecting our freedoms. I work tirelessly with in the entertainment industry to fight for inclusion and diversity and to be honoured for that work by the military feels incredible.”

Boast is an independent Film and Television Casting Director in Hollywood California and the Vice President of the Casting Society of America (CSA), heading up the organization’s Inclusion and Diversity and Training and Education Committees. I work primarily with ABC, CBS, FOX, HULU & NETFLIX.

He studied at DUT almost 5 years ago and credits his success to the teaching staff in the Drama department.

“I wouldn’t be living the “Hollywood Dream” if it weren’t for teachers like Prof Debbie Lutge and her team. Being born and raised in South Africa makes you a unique individual to the world and we learned from the get go how to use your talent to help and inspire others,” said Boast.

Professor Deborah Lutge said, in his final year of study, Russell Boast, showed initiative as an entrepreneur, becoming both director and producer in a touring Musical Review, mounted at the Grahamstown National Arts Festival and featuring female singers from the Department.

“I could not be more pleased that this bright, dedicated, driven, and caring young artist has been recognized and awarded a prestigious LA Veterans in Film and Television Medal,” said Lutge.



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